When I worked in the NICU, we could quickly identify the little personalities of our patients. Bugsy was no exception. There was a day while he was at Egleston, that I could not go up to see him because little man
(Thomas my 8 year old), was sick. I called and spoke with the nurse every three hours and they let me talk to him. Well when I got there the next day, he wouldn't look at me. He refused to acknowledge my presence. The nurse thought I was making it up, until she came over, spoke to him ,he opened his eyes and looked at her. Being that I know myself and his father, I think part of his personality could be genetic! LOL The whole it's my world and you are just invited. I thank God for his stubborn personality because I know that helped him to get to where he is today.
If I didn't mention it in my last blog, CDH babies have some developmental delays.This does not mean mental delays. It means that it may take them longer to achieve some milestones, like supporting his own head or walking. When I first held him off the vent he held his head by himself. Mind you he was on a vent for about 6.5 weeks. Bugsy started laughing, belly laughing at 4.5 months. That is a 5.5 month milestone according to his pediatrician. Today he is 8 months and we have things we are working on. His fine motor skills are right on task for an 8 month old, his gross motor skills are not. What's the difference? Fine motor are things like tracking objects back and forth, up and down, reaching for things that are held out in front of him and picking things up. Gross motor are the bigger muscles, so rolling over, crawling, sitting up on his own, sitting without support. Where is Bugs? He can sit for a short time without support, meaning if I sit him on the bed, he will fall over in a few minutes. He can sit supported. He just started rolling from his tummy to his side and back. And this week his physical therapist said he started scooting backwards.
Now he is baby number 5 and when I look back to my other kids and what they did at his age, I am not worried. Amber (my 15 year old) and Thomas walked, yes walked at 8 months. Isabel( my 11 year old) didn't walk until she was a year old and Sabrina ( my 13 year old) didn't walk until she was about 15 months old. Now some might think with Sabrina's delay in walking might come other delays but not at all. She is gifted. I watch Bugs and I am in awe of the things he can do considering how far he has come. How often can you say you got to experience a miracle in the making? The doctors didn't think he'd make it out of the regular NICU more less home, but here he is. The healing power of Jesus is prevalent and I thank God everyday for blessing me with Bugs and the rest of my children. Our journey started out rough and we may hit bumps in the road but with the grace of our heavenly Father we will make through anything!
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