Let me start off by saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Our heavenly father sent us a Savior so that we may know his everlasting , unconditional love for us. So as this year comes to a close and a new one starts lets keep Christ in our hearts , not only during this season, but always.
This month Bugsy has been blessed in many ways. First he had a check up with his Pulmonologist and he was taken off the Viagra. He goes for an echo in two more weeks to ensure the pulmonary hypertension is resolved. We are standing fast on the healing he has received and know it is. His ear infections have cleared up, but in the process we found out he too is allergic to Sulfa. So health wise because God is so good, my son is healed and doing great.
The teething and allergies are making an other wise passive baby, unusually fuss and mostly at night . At 11 months I am experiencing the staying up at night or waking up several time during the night. I should have slept when he actually slept all night. Honestly late night is the only time I can have him all to myself. I love that time. He hates the breathing treatments, the suctioning, Tylenol or Oragel, but he loves to lay on me as I pray and rock him to sleep. I look at him and am reminded how much God loves me. I am so blessed.
Recently the power of prayer and faith has again prevailed in our lives. Pieces of our heart have been missing and God bought a piece back to us and us back to them. I know my Heavenly Father will bring all the pieces together, in his time. Till then we thank him daily for all the blessings he has bestowed on us and the blessing that have yet to come.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Did I mention, in less than three weeks Giovanni Alejandro Rivera will be a year old. WOW! Glory to God ! Till next year. God bless you all.